About our trip

If you are reading this page, you have been invited by Frances or Randy or both of us.  In which case you propaply already know that we love to travel and we love to cruise. We have done a lot of cruising:  the Panama Canal, Alaska, the Mediterranean (Barcelona, Marseille, Côte d’Azur, Florence, Rome and Pompey), China (land tour and river cruise), Prague to Paris (via the Rhine, the Main and the Mossel rivers) the West coast of the United States (2x), the New England Coast (from the Port of Brooklyn to Halifax, Nova Scotia) and the British Isles.  In addition, we spent 23 days tramping around Australia and 22 days traveling around Europe by high speed rail (Amsterdam to Paris to  London).

We both really wanted to take a cruise around the world.  So, we agreed that, as soon as we both retired, we were going to go.  Then, we retired and we went … on January 20, 2017, we set sail aboard the Pacific Princess from Los Angeles. We stopped in 35 ports and traveled through both the Suez Canal and the Panama Canal. You can still share our pictures and narrative of that trip here:  Directory (scroll down to Archive)

Now we are off on a new adventure.  We will sail aboard the Cunard Line’s Queen Victoria for 82 day visiting 24 ports in the South Pacific, Australia, Asia, and Africa.  Our trip will end in with a couple of days in London (our full itinerary can be seen in the Directory).  So come on along … join us … IT’S GOING TO BE FUN!!!