The Pacific Princess overnighted at the birth in Kowloon and was not scheduled to leave Hong Kong until 10:00 pm local time. So we decided to spend a day shopping. First on our agenda was to find a store on the Hong Kong Island side to make a purchase requested by grandson, Kevin. We thought we had it figured out that we could get to the general area that we were looking for on the RMT (Rapid Mass Transit). We went to an ATM and got some Hong Kong Dollars and then we went down into the underground. We found the line that we wanted but then discovered that we didn’t really understand how to purchase the proper fare. There was a young man there explaining it to another couple. So, when he was finished we waylaid him with our concern. As it turned out, he was born in Hong Kong but now lived in Campbell, CA. He was in Hong Kong for an annual visit. He convinced us that we did not want to take the RMT but the Star Ferry instead. In the end he walked us out of the underground, over to the Star Ferry Terminal (which was right next to the cruise terminal), made sure we knew which ferry to get on and assisted us in getting the proper transit tokens. He also gave us directions on how to get to the general area we were looking for. What luck!

So, we got on the Star Ferry for a five minute ride and, after wandering around for some time and stopping often to get directions, we found the shop we needed and made Kevin’s purchase. We got back to the Star Ferry after some more wandering around and returned to the ship. Then, after a little rest and meal, we wandered of into the mall that is right next to the dock where the ship was tied up. We had been warned that this mall was huge (7,000 shops) but it is hard to imagine just how huge it is. I think that it is several malls that are connected and I was afraid that, if we changed floors while we were in a different mall than the one we started in, we could find ourselves lost in a totally different part of Kowloon and never be heard from again … At any rate we did eventually make it back to the Pacific Princess. We had a great time in Hong Kong!