Nha Trang is a seaside city which has bet its commercial success on attracting tourists (primarily Russians). It does not have docking facilities for large ships. So, once again, we tendered ashore.
Our tour began at the French gothic style Nha Trang Cathedral which the locals call the ‘Stone Church’. It was built on a artificial hill and has quite a good view of the bay.

From the Stone Church we drove to the Long Song Pagoda where we climbed one hundred fifty two steps to view the huge Buddha at the top of this complex which is made of concrete and was completed during the Viet Nam War (American War). The Buddha is dedicated to the monks who opposed the Diem regime during the war.

Next we crossed the Xom Bong Bridge to visit Nha Trang’s most famous site, the Po Nagar Cham Towers. These towers were constructed in the 8th century as part of an Hindu temple.

We were then taken to a ‘silk painting’ workshop where we saw some remarkable silk embroidery.

Finally, we were walked through Nha Trang’s Oceanographic Institute which is basically an aquarium …

Then it was back to the docks for our tender ride back to the QV.